I am who I am, because I was a Modern Dance Major. Being a Modern Dance Major taught me problem solving skills, shaped my body, challenged me to evaluate art and science and their collision… Okay, have I bored you enough, yet? Have all the “adults” stopped reading? ‘Kay, cool. Here is what being a dance major actually taught me…
When you see your costume for your upcoming performance, and you realize you will resemble a Teletubby…
When you try to flirt with someone on your one night out, after being in the studio, since the beginning of eternity…
When your professor says, “last time,” and another dancer messes up…
When your ballet professor opens 8 a.m. class with allégro…
When you are in choreography class and cannot think of another movement adjective…
When you see yourself in recital videos from high school…
When you are a Senior and realize you have not eaten in four years…
When your neighbors are partying too loudly, and you have a 7 a.m. rehearsal…
When you receive a standing ovation at a performance…
When you take a Hip-Hop class…
When your friends try to pry you out of your jazz pants and oversized sweatshirt to go out…
When you finish leg swings and attempt to stand…
When you find out that your professors have added a weekend rehearsal…
When your professor uses, yet another, ridiculous word for a Modern dance movement; like, the buffalo, or the chycha, or the rofo…
When I tell men I am a Modern Dance Major…
When your professor says the words, “leap à la second”, and you forgot to stretch…
When you forget the choreography and begin to improv…
When your professor asks you to pair up and choreograph an eight count… GOT IT…
When you tell your professor that you forgot your dance bag, and therefore, have no dance shoes…
When you meet someone and they go on and on about how they used to dance when they were little…