Nowadays, many people wait until after college and make sure they have a secure job, to get married. Which makes sense, having a stable income definitely helps when you are having to help support two people, if not more. But, I also believe that when you wait to get married, you miss out on numerous opportunities, or "adventures", if you will, that you could be spending with your spouse.
My husband, Jake and I have been married for a little over two years. Which means, if you do the math, we both got married when we were 18 years old. I was a freshman in college and he was still a senior in high school. We knew we loved each other, so we eloped. Neither one of us had yet experienced life in the "real world". Let me tell you, these past two years has not been anything less than exciting, and I would not trade any of it, for the world.
Here are 8 great things about being married young:
1. You both get to experience the world together.
Whether you are both trying to learn how to pay bills or you are both figuring out how important it is to organize your daily life, you get to do it TOGETHER! So if one of you messes up along the way, you always know there is someone there to help you.
2. You don't have to mix dating into your already busy, college schedule life.
Now, if you like dating, then just skip this. But I personally did not like dating. But now that I'm married, I can just focus on building my relationship with my husband, instead of worrying about getting my heart broken.
3. You always have someone to "hang out" with.
This is probably my favorite part about being married. We are always going on little dates together, whether it's to Blue Spruce or just sitting on the couch talking about the future. Sometimes, in college, it is hard to make time with friends in life's busy schedule, but I know, every night, when I go home, I always have my husband to "hang out" with.
4. You help each other find yourselves.
When you're in college, you are on a mission to find who you truly are. When you're married you not only find yourself, but you also find yourself within each other. You find your purpose in this world, and also what your purpose is together.
5. You always have someone to confide in.
This is another one of my favorites. I love knowing that if I have a bad day at work, or I get a bad test grade, I have someone to tell it all to, and I know he will understand. I know that I will get honest feedback from him about what I need to do better next time. It is a comforting feeling, having him always there.
6. You always have a study buddy!
Since we are both going to college, we are constantly studying, and what not better way to study than with your spouse. You get to enjoy spending time with each other and also can help each other on homework. (Jake just LOVES helping me with all of my homework...)
7. You not only grow up together, but you also grow with each other.
Growing up can sometimes be hard. For example: managing your money, and even though you want those super cute jeans, it is probably more important to have food in the fridge... You have someone there to back you up for those kinds of decisions, because when you do not have money, that means that you both do not have money. Or if I am emotional about not getting to see my family every weekend, Jake is always there hug me, and give me the courage to get through the day.
8. You get to spend the rest of your lives together.
Let the making of wonderful memories begin! Even though it has only been two years, Jake and I already look back on good and bad times that we shared together. When you get married young, you get to spend the rest of your lives reminiscing about the stupid things, or amazing memories of the past. Plus, you have someone that you can set a future with and start working towards goals together.
And the list goes on.
There are a thousand and one examples that I could give as to how amazing and fun it is to be married young. Now, we have had our fair share of arguments, various disagreements, and hard times, but all of which have definitely made us and our marriage stronger.