Growing up in the dead center of “The Bible Belt,” I was raised by my culture that being southern baptist was the only way to heaven, interracial couples should be outlawed, and don’t even start with being homosexual. Once I finally got out of the one-red-light county that I call home, I realized that not everyone feels this way--THANK GOD!!
Being the Methodist I am, there’s a few things that I never seemed to get a grip on that most of the Christians around me believed. I’ve never really seen the point of being baptized ten times in your life, I mean it’s not like it expires or anything so why drown yourself so many times? Calling alcohol “the devil!" Now don’t get me wrong, it can lead to worse things, but to an extent what’s wrong with poppin’ a bottle open every now and then? I mean Jesus drank wine, am I right?
Being raised in the suburbs of Birmingham, there was just as many “colored” people as there were whites. But Lord forgive them if anybody thought about dating or possibly marrying the other. You might as well have robbed the local bank; you’d get the same amount of gossip, if not more. I’ve never understood why people cared so much about interracial couples. It’s just the pigment in their skin, and love is love. I mean we all came from the same Adam and Eve in the beginning, so thump your bible at that. And if you still think that Jesus is the blue eyed, white man you picture, I have some upsetting news for you.
If you say the word “gay” in the south, it’s automatically a gasp from just about anybody in town. Growing up, some of the most inspiring and successful people I have been surrounded by have been LGBT, and I never thought any different of them. Love is love. After all, Jesus tells us to love thy neighbor, no matter who they are.
Now I know this is probably going to get my name talked about in the beauty shop drama all throughout this week, but thing is, I could care less. I’m still going to continue to be a donkey in an elephant's world. Bless y’all’s hearts.