I’m so excited.
I’m so excited that I can officially say I’m a Young Life leader.
It was sophomore year of high school and you got asked to go to this thing called Young Life Camp in New York. We had no idea what it was, but you took your friend and you guys both went. Then you told me that I would really love it and when it comes to our school, I should try it out. I’m glad I did.
Young Life has given me so much. It has given me a stronger faith in God, life-long friendships, and memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world. It has helped me get through times in my life that I didn’t think I would be able to get through, and I’m forever grateful for that. It’s amazing to me how much one simple thing can affect me so heavily.
And now it’s my turn to give back.
I cannot wait to show these girls how freakin’ amazing Jesus is. I cannot wait to put everything I’ve got from my heart and soul and go all in for them. I want them to know how special they are, how much they are cared for, and how it gets better. It always gets better.
I cannot wait to take girls to camp for the first time and watch them cry in happiness for all of the people giving their lives to Christ. I cannot wait to watch them worship with 500 other people in the room and to make a fool of myself just to crack a smile on their faces. I want to give them the best week of their lives.
I cannot wait for those midnight phone calls from a girl crying because her and her friend are fighting or because her and her boyfriend broke up. I want to help. I want them to call me and ask to go get coffee, or even call me and ask for help on their homework. Honestly, I just want them to call me.
The best part is I don’t have to wait any longer for that stuff. Because it’s already here.
I’m a big sister. Some girls don’t have that. Some girls don’t have that person that they can go to for help, that person that they can vent to, or that person that is going to binge eat ice cream with them, cuddling with their cat while watching the sappiest movie ever on Netflix. I’ll be their big sister too.
When they called my name and everyone started cheering, I couldn’t focus on anything besides the fact that I can finally be something I’ve been dying to be for the past three and a half years. My heart has never been happier.