According to, an introvert is "a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings". In college and throughout life, it's become more and more apparent that being an introvert is not acceptable. College is all about parties, clubs, Greek Life; it's all about being social and constantly meeting people. Just like in life, all I am ever told is how I need to network and get my name out there. I need to join clubs, pick up hobbies, and volunteer. While I understand it's beneficial to my future, no one realizes the mental toll it takes on an introvert.
As an introvert, I really enjoy being alone. I love staying in and watching movies alone, studying alone, and running errands alone. No, I'm not lonely. No, I'm not lazy. Being able to comfortably unwind is so critical for an introvert. Unlike extroverts who, according to, are "concerned primarilywiththephysicalandsocialenvironment", introverts prefer quiet settings and being surrounded by calm people. In fact, being around people who are naturally loud and constantly full of energy is so draining. I have many friends that are extroverts, and they don't understand me. They love me, but they don't get why I am the way that I am.
One of the most aggravating aspects of being an introvert is having to deal with people constantly telling you that you're "too quiet". In a world that revolves around social people who love the constant attention and making a scene, people think that I'm "quiet" because I sit in the background and take everything in. I enjoy the moment rather than being the center of the moment. I feel as though introverts don't get enough credit. It's not like I'm hard to talk to or that I won't start a conversation, but I most likely won't get in anyone's face or yell across the room to get someone's attention . I won't hold a 20 minute conversation about my major or the classes I'm taking. Instead, I'll approach people who interest me; people that I think will have an in-depth discussion with me and value their time with me. I'm not here to bash extroverts. They've got in made. They are what the world wants everyone to be; energetic, social, assertive. However, I believe it's that way because people don't understand introverts. We're calm, understanding, and compliant. I want to challenge everyone out there who see's someone by-standing and slightly reserved to start a conversation with them, and you just might form an unlikely friendship.