What does it mean to be independent in today’s world?
We all have our different outlooks on independence. Whether it's Pam changing a flat tire by herself on The Office, or confidently singing every word to Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" song, we can all collectively say that independence is vital to being a better version of ourselves.
In order to answer this question, it's important to take a step back. Let's take a step away from our dependency on friends, relationships, social media, routines and familiar things.
Whether a person is forced to be independent due to circumstances or chooses willingly, independence is vital to being successful and self-sufficient. Here are a few reasons why it is so crucial:
1) It shows maturity
I believe independence and maturity go hand and hand. Both of these characteristics enhance each other. Young people need to be given independence in order to grow and develop maturity. Without this, a person will just be dependent on familiar things and will never grow to their fullest potential.
2) It gives you confidence
Independence can build up confidence tremendously. The more independent a person is, the more likely they will handle adversity and conflict in their live better. Confidence is a characteristic that is a direct result from independence and can lead to bigger rewards.
3) It helps to not rely on others
Being independent helps you not to rely on people so much. Though it is great to have people there for you, making choices or going through challenges by yourself really creates inner strength and confidence. Having the mindset that you don’t have to rely on somebody to help you make decisions is truly freeing.
As for financial independence, there is nothing more rewarding then being able to pay your own bills and provide for yourself without the reliance on family, friends or loans.
We live in a generation where girls can’t go to the bathroom by themselves. Or go to a restaurant without a friend. Or always have to be in a relationship. Young people these days have become so reliant on other people. It’s important to take a step back and realize your own given capabilities and who you are by yourself, without always being attached to somebody.
A quote from Mandy Hale simply states, "Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them."
4) It helps future generations
Being independent in your life right now can help pave the way for future generations to follow. It’s important for us to be good role models for our children and our children’s children. The future begins with us, and we need to step up and teach others the importance of independence and how much more life can offer with it.
5) It makes you self-supporting
Growing up, my mom always told me the importance of being self-supportive. She always pushed me to be an independent, self-sufficient girl who didn’t need to rely on anybody (especially boys). It today’s world, it is so vital for young people to know who they are, so they can confidently go out and reach for their dreams, without fear of what other people think or say.
Being emotionally independent is also key. Though I believe it is important to have a strong support system of friends and family, I stand firm in the belief of emotional support, not sole dependence. Being emotionally independent will result in less disappointment knowing you don’t rely on other people to meet your emotional needs at all times.
6) Opens your opportunities
I know for a fact that if I wasn't as independent as I am today, I wouldn’t have some of the wonderful opportunities I’ve been blessed to receive. Being independent gives you that curiosity for life and confidence to try new things, meet to people and reach for opportunities that life has in store. This in return gives a person better success and a fuller life.
Though life is tough at times and independence can be scary, it is the journey that makes us stronger. It won't always be easy and some battles may be harder than others, however, it is our own individual discovery of independence that makes it all worth it.