Signing up for my summer school class, you figure it's a good idea - getting a class out of the way, taking it at a community college seems like it might be easier than taking it at your university, and telling yourself you'd focus a lot of time on it, since it's your only class for that certain amount of weeks. You might actually even end up liking it!
You know, or not.
Here's how my summer school class has been going so far, as told by the greatest show in the world:
When your teacher goes over the syllabus and you realize they're actually just the worst:
Five minutes after beginning the first chapter:
Looking at the clock after 45 minutes and realizing it's only been 10:
"This should be review":
When someone corrects the teacher:
When the teacher nonstop talks for ten minutes and then tries to keep going:
"I won't be giving you guys practice exams or study guides":
"Your test is a week from today":
When even writing your name on the test becomes a challenge:
When you answer one question right:
"OK, let's start the next chapter":
When you find out you can't take the class pass/fail:
The teacher's face when they turn around as that one kid won't stop asking questions:
When you make friends in the class:
When you realize you're not even halfway through:
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