Being in a sorority is a completely different, crazy, stressful, fun, and all around 'sisterly.' As a senior I have learned so many things while growing in the walls of the Phi Mu lodge. I want to share them with you.
1. Time management. One of the hardest things to accomplish in college. Throughout these years I have learned how to make time for my school work, meals, and a reasonable bed time throughout the busy schedule that being in a sorority comes with. The late nights during recruitment workshops to the early mornings. You learn quickly.
2. Prioritizing your academics. School comes first. Nothing else. It is your number one goal in college. Sure, you want to take a breather, have a good time, and possibly even get a couple hours of sleep. You need to set time aside to do your homework, to go to class, and be able to tell yourself that it is time to do your homework and not play on your phone. Sorority events are normally based at night so you have all day (other than classes if on a weekday) to do your homework. You can and will accomplish it.
3. Breaking your shell. Become an introverted extrovert. Become that person that your mother wants you to be and knows you are. Get yourself out there and finally make something for yourself. Nobody else is going to do it for you. You are in a sorority therefore you can't be quiet. You have to get yourself out there and wear those letters proudly.
4. Never take 'no' for an answer. You are strong and you are definitely going to be someone special one day. You can't 'no' for an answer from anybody. Being in a sorority I was treasurer and people would tell me 'no they couldn't pay their dues' because of a multitude of reasons that weren't valid therefore I decided it was time to stop letting people run over me. To push myself and speak up for myself. It might be hard but you can accomplish it.
5. Be Courteous. When you are in a sorority, everybody looks at you and wonders if you are a good fit for that certain sorority or if they would get along with you if they joined. Being courteous to everybody means that you actually hold doors open for the person right behind you, saying 'thank you', and smiling at the person pacing by. It is the simple things that brightens someone's day.
I am thankful for the journey through Phi Mu. Without them, I wouldn't have learned many of things so quickly. Joining a sorority isn't superficial, and it isn't everything you see in the movies. It is the cliche sisterhood mumbo-jumbo, but it is real and helps you become a better woman.