Being In Love Is Scary, But We All Should Experience It | The Odyssey Online
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Being In Love Is Scary, But We All Should Experience It

When you meet the person who makes you think a little bit differently about the world and smiles wider than ever before, you know that you've met your match.

Being In Love Is Scary, But We All Should Experience It

Love is a feeling that you can't describe is at captivates every part of your body and puts you into the absolute best mood which could turn into emotions that you cannot necessarily control. When you meet the person who makes you think a little bit differently about the world and smiles wider than ever before, you know that you've met your match. But love is difficult, it makes you do impulsive things that you would not necessarily do if you were single due to loving the person more than you could ever imagine. Throughout the course of our lives we all meet people who change us and the way that we think of others as well as ourselves, and sometimes we fall in love with them. This person becomes your best friend and your go-to with just about anything that happens throughout your day and any exciting news you want to share. With all of these positive aspects of love, there are some negative ones that come with it as well.

The break up is probably the most difficult part of being in love because it is possible and could happen to you and your special someone. As you both may be on cloud nine, life gets in the way sometimes and being apart is easier than being together which sounds confusing but makes sense when "the talk" happens. Losing someone in your life is always a difficult task to experience, yet it makes us stronger and more likely to look for someone with the qualities we enjoy rather than despise. Your love may not work out with the person that you want to be with, which is ok although it feels the worst at the moment. The love that you hold with that person will never go away, they will always be a part of your life even if they aren't present in it. That person was a part of your life for a reason, and you'll always hold a special place for them in your heart.

Every experience in your life is a fold in your book of chapters that you'll be writing for your own story throughout the years that you live on this earth. Some of these chapters will have repetition as you find yourself in similar situations, yet you'll also undergo changes within yourself and your personality which will only help you for the better. Every day we are constantly moving and living our lives on this unpredictable earth with so many other aspects that are not under our control. Just always remember that change is completely ok, and you will be absolutely fine. Many people come and go, but you are always going to have that place in your heart for the ones you care about the most. Hold on to your memories and the things that make you happy because no one could take those away from you. It's okay to remember and think back to different times with people of your past, reflect in a positive way and applaud your progress.

Find love, allow yourself to be vulnerable and let people into your life because you never know what could happen. Yes, you may find yourself heartbroken a few times and regret your involvement in a relationship, but try not to be hard on yourself because these experiences will only shape you into your future self. Make every day a positive one and wake up with the best intentions and amazing goals.

Your love will come eventually, keep writing the chapters of your book and the rest will unfold on its own.

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