Being far away from where you call home is never easy. You miss your family, your house, your bed, your mom's cooking, but most importantly, you miss your dog. You miss the way he wags his tail or sniffs you as soon as you walk into the house. You miss the way he barks at the door so you get up to let him out. You miss the way he is always willing to cuddle with you (or just sit on you). You even miss cleaning up after him when he rips apart one of his toys, or your moms couch pillows. Although being far away from your favorite non-human is tough, when you finally go home and see his tail wag, it makes the distance seem small.
Technology now a days is great because you have the ability to Facetime your pup whenever you're really missing him. I suggest you do this when you're alone – just so those around you don't completely judge you on the fact that you are having a full out conversation with your pet. Some people just don't understand that he actually knows exactly what you are saying.
(I mean if Miley Cyrus does it, you can too... right?)
Your relationship with your dog gets easier when you convince your family, that is home with him, to send you a billion pictures of his every move. You will always know exactly what he is doing and will make the miles between the two of you feel like inches.
(It may not seem like your pup is doing anything worth taking a picture of but when your hundreds of miles away just seeing his face makes you happy)
No matter the distance, just remember your pup will always remember you when you get home. You are not abandoning him by going far away because he is always going to be loved, even if you are not physically there.You keep on screen-shotting those pictures that come from your siblings, and just know you're not alone. So many people have successful long distance relationships with their pups. Start the countdown until the two of you will finally be reunited.
Peace, Love & Pups.