When starting middle school, high school, or even college, there are many different ways you can be involved. There were so many options, I did not know which one I was going to choose. However, I ultimately chose to be in band. Here are some reasons why it was the best decision I ever made.
1. It helped me gain important leadership skills.
Comparing myself as a leader from the sixth grade to now, I definitely have grown as a leader. I have learned to work better as a group and not just taking over and doing everything myself. I am able to voice my opinion and contribute my ideas to better the group.
2. I was given an opportunity that I will never forget.
I went to two different high schools. I was only at one of them for a year due to the other one not being ready to open yet. Since the school was not open yet, the band had to practice at the middle school. One night after band practice was over, the band directors announced that they would be holding drum major auditions the following week. At first, I did not really see myself as being a drum major but I decided to audition anyway. Like Wayne Gretzky once said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." When drum major auditions finally came around, I gave it my best shot, not knowing what the outcome would be. Once the auditions were over, they pulled us all into the office and told us that they had chosen only two drum majors. Little did I know that one of them was going to be me and this was going to be my role in the band for three years running.
3. The ability to network for future jobs.
When I was in high school, there were a few of the band parents who were nurses or knew people in the medical field. Even though I have graduated high school and I am in my third year of college, I still keep in contact with them to keep them updated on where I am in college and how far away I am from graduating. Everyone that I have talked to has told me that by double majoring in Nursing and Spanish, I am opening so many more doors for myself when it comes to getting a job.
4. Making lifelong friends.
When I started both high school and college marching band, I did not know that many people. Once the season began, I was able to socialize and get to know my fellow band-mates. At the time, I did not realize the diversity within the large ensemble. I've made a lot of friends since my sixth-grade year and I am still friends with a good majority of them today.
5. Plenty of travel opportunities!
Over the course of the 8 years that I have been in band, I have been on several band trips including, Holiday World, Disney World, and to Marshall University in West Virginia. Traveling for band is not only fun but they also allow to bond with other people in your section and others within the ensemble. Out of all the trips I have gone on, Disney World was probably my favorite. We were invited to perform there during my seventh-grade year. Going on band trips has given me memories that I will never forget.