Being human is actually incredible. You can be whoever and whatever you want, and do whatever you want. You have a conscience that you use that makes you aware of your surroundings. You have a brain that makes you think of your every action and the strategy to plan things, feel emotions, and store memories. You have a heart that can love unconditionally and shape you into the person you become. You have a body that can do amazing things such as flips, or high jumps. One thing that captivates me is that every single human is different from one another.
Being human is something a person cannot take away from you. We develop our own styles, our own likings, our own dislikings. We are given the chance to breathe earth's air and be exposed to see a variety of things. We are attracted to things such as nature, music, and colors. We get to wake up every day being able to see flowers blooming and birds chirping. We have the freedom of speech, to say what we want when we want. Yes, we make mistakes, but we learn from making those mistakes. We have the power to stick up for our beliefs and express what we are passionate about. We develop talents that amaze our audience, and ourselves.
We learn to develop interests in our society such as being a movie fanatic, or going to yoga classes. Maybe dancing, or even singing. We develop skills such as learning to cook amazing food or even baking. To be able to shoot a basketball from half court or receive an A on a test. We have the ability to learn how to create rhythm and poetry, to strum the strings on a guitar or tap keys on a piano.
As a human, we learn how to survive. When we are babies, we have parents who nurture us to prepare us for when we are on our own. When we are adults, we remember that nurture and put it towards trial and error tactics. We have the ability to re-populate and create the next generation. We teach ourselves how to do the laundry, the best tactic for waking up on time in the mornings, how to drive, how to eat, and how to clean. Life is just this gigantic cycle that is ongoing, yet not one life is exactly the same as another.
We learn about different cultures and different traditions. We learn about different religions and different nationalities. Our world is so beautiful because it is so diverse. Outside of the same four walls that trap us every single day, is a world filled with new adventures and people.
Even though our world today faces many challenges and difficulties, that does not mean every person is a bad person. I bet if you take five minutes out of your time to get to know another individual, you will find something interesting about that person that will keep you wanting to learn more. Studies show that a first impression are so powerful that they are more important than fact. Not only that, but different obstacles that people face in their lives make them into the person they are and are able to reflect and share based on experience.
I just find it so intriguing that you have control over yourself, and can achieve whatever you put your effort into. If you want to, you can become an astronaut, or a forensics detective, an actor, or even a traveling photographer. Everything that we own today is made by another individual, created from such a beautiful and intelligent mind. Dreaming is motivation for the brain, hoping that one day we can get to where we want to be.
Keep on being surprising humans, keep on being astonishing. I can't wait for what the future holds for us people, and what we are going to keep accomplishing.