There are two people in this world. People who don’t have their sh*t together and people that pretend that they do. Some people’s lives seem to be smooth sailing. Then there are others that seem to always hit a bump in the road. If you’re the person that doesn’t have it together and you have to jump a bunch of hurdles to get a simple task done, it's fine, you’re just a hot mess.
For as long as I can remember people have been calling me a hot mess. I’ve always been forgetful, messy and all over the place. I like to call it a multitrack mind. I’d do all my assignments but bring in the wrong notebook. My room is constantly a mess because nine out of 10 times I have to destroy my room to find my key or my school ID.
The first and biggest mistake I made when I was younger was thinking that I’d have it together by age 20. It’s extremely hard to balance having a social life and going to school every day.
Sometimes you walk into class still a little drunk with last night's makeup on, and that’s fine! It’s all about learning how to balance all parts of your life. There are many pros and cons to being a hot mess. A lot of people see being a hot mess as a bad thing when really it’s just a critical learning phase in your life.
One of the best parts is no one will ever refer to your life as boring. You’re always going to have some of the best and funniest stories. People will often call your stories amusing or entertaining because let’s face it, so far your life experiences have been a joke.
Like the one time, your foot fell asleep and you went to walk it off and broke your foot in two different places. You learn to laugh everything off because you quickly learn that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. People are going to find you super relatable because when they think that they hit rock bottom, you’ve already been there, done that and bought the T-shirt.
Life gets a little messy for you but each week you try to fix the mess that is your life and then you’re hit with one of your daily or weekly crises. Sometimes it may be hard to cope with the label of a hot mess but it’s best to just accept it. Once you’ve come to accept it, it’s clear to see that you’re pretty badass.
You have to work a little bit harder than everyone else because you know with your luck something will go wrong, and when you finally get what you needed done and it turns out great, there is no greater feeling. Hot messes are invincible. They’ve been through many adversities so they know a lot of tricks to avoid another disaster.
It’s a tiresome phase since you constantly try to keep up with your peers and try to get your life in some type of order. Being a hot mess prepares you for the real world. It’s a learning experience. There's not much you can do but to grow out of it, but If you can live through this you can get through anything life throws at you. There's nothing wrong with embracing it, so go out there and be the hottest hot mess you can be!