After what feels like possibly the longest week of your life (thank you finals!), the time has come to go home for the next three months. As you are packing up your most recent home away from home, you are probably very excited to take a break from college life and enjoy some relaxation, have the freedom of no homework and to have the ability to drive again. However, just be aware that while being home is great, there are a few things that every one of us is going to experience and feel at some point this summer
1. Unpacking is actually worse than packing.
You find all of the things that you didn't use or the clothes that you didn't wear,so your mom makes you take another step to organize what to bring back and what to leave at home for next year.
2. Boredom hits you fast.
You're so used to being busy all the time or having friends in walking distance that once you're stuck at home with nothing to do, the boredom feels 30x worse than it actually is.
3. To avoid boredom, you find a job or two.
No matter how much you love your job, you'll probably miss the excitement of doing absolutely nothing.
4. You no longer go through the days at your own pace and on your own clock.
You are living with so many more people, including parents. Curfews will probably go back into existence. Also if you're like me, you might share a car, so learning to share do that again means you can't get frustrated because you're not on your own anymore.
5. You miss your college besties.
Even if the end of the year brought you feelings of just wanting to get home, it's inevitable that you'll miss the people you just spent the last nine months with, to at least some extent. To make the time to reuniting go by faster, just give them a little call because they're probably feeling all of the same things as you.
6. You realize that you are running out of time, so you try to cram in all of the activities before moving back.
No matter where you go to college, your hometown is definitely different than your college town. With that being said, there comes a certain point in the summer where you feel the excessive need to do absolutely every possible activity with your hometown homies before you go your separate ways again.
7. The whole mixture of boredom, working, and crazy planning makes you miss your college even more so time absolutely drags.
After all of this, BOOM, summer is over before you knew it.