Being Home From College | The Odyssey Online
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Being Home From College

Being home from college is relatable to almost every college student. The food is better, the bed is bigger, and the days are filled with naps and snacks. Well, maybe the last part isn't too different from college. But, nevertheless, there are many differences between school and home, and there are definitely lots of perks from both. Some of the perks about coming home contain a lot of different things, which include seeing old friends, getting seconds of homemade food and actually being able to afford a soda at dinner. So without further ado, here are some things that are great about being home.

1. The fact you get to see your old best friends

Friends in college are amazing, but nothing can compare with the excitement of seeing someone you've been best friends with since you were five. And the excitement is definitely heightened when you haven't seen them in what feels like forever. The only sad part is mentioning how you'll be apart again.

2. Even better -- it's just like the old times with your best friend.

Nothing is better than feeling completely comfortable with someone. And, it’s even better when that person has been in your life for almost all of it. Coming home and having the same goofy, fun times with your long time best friends is definitely one of the best part of breaks.

3. Being able to order whatever you want out to eat.

Being at school and having a tiny budget usually means that when you go out to eat it usually consists of water and a side salad or plate of fries. But, when you go out to eat with your family you better believe you’re ordering a Shirley Temple, appetizer, entree, and maybe a few desserts.

4. Keeping with the food theme...

Continuing the food... another big factor of being home for break is all the homemade food. Around the holidays, there are plenty of food, cookies, and delicious pies to endlessly snack on. Unlike at college where you’re munching on food from the vending machine or some leftover CookOut.

5. One of the not so great parts about being home: chores.

But, sadly one of the worst parts of being home is all the chores your mom wants you to work on. At school, not only are you used to living alone, but you’re used to doing your chores on your own time, which is usually at the very last moment. At home, though, God forbid your room is a bit messy.

6. When you go back to school and finally see your college BFF again!

Whether they're your roommate, someone you met at orientation, classmate or someone you actually remember from the weekend, it's always great to see your friends from school. And, it's even better when they're just as pumped to see you too.

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