We all have thought about trying to be healthy for our new years resolution. Or just to try to make a better us, to make yourself feel better about whatever is happening in our lives at that time. But let me tell you why being healthy sucks. It seems like a great idea at first, and talking about it seems like the best idea in the world. But it’s no fun. And it’s so time consuming!
The number one reason being healthy sucks is because of the food choices. Nothing healthy actually tastes good! Well, besides maybe certain fruits. Everything else either doesn’t have any flavoring, or the flavoring is too strong and you can barely eat it. Like salad. I’m not a rabbit! Why would I want to eat a salad voluntarily, I have better food choices than to eat something that doesn’t actually fill me up. And it tastes like grass, don’t ask how I know what grass tastes like…
Next reason being healthy sucks, is because exercising takes a lot of work. Running, lifting weights all of it. Running just takes all of the energy out of you, and for what? To get to one place faster than if you would walk? No thanks. And lifting weights is a great idea, and props to everyone who does it, but to me straining my muscles just doesn’t sound like a fun time.
I know I sound like the unhealthiest person in the world. I realize this, I do try to be healthy, it’s just no fun at all. I would rather eat all of the sugary things like brownies, and drink soda, and just sit around and watch movies. But not everyone can live in a fairytale…