Being healthy can be hard... at first. Once you get used to it, however, it's pretty easy. Those foods that make you feel bad, or in my case sick as a dog, they are no longer a question. Finding what works for your schedule and your body is honestly the hardest part of living a healthy life. Don't get me wrong, I love burgers and fries, hot dogs and relish, and an order of 3 Taco Supremes from Taco Bell. I get it, they're good, but when I eat those things, they make me feel like I have a stomach virus. For me, having that experience every time I eat isn't worth it. I am currently trying the vegetarian diet. I know I'm going to catch loads for this, but it's my body and I know it best. I know what upsets my stomach and I cut those out. So far it is working for me and I haven't been sick.
I know what you're thinking, what's so wrong with eating unhealthy? Well, y'all know me, all my answers come from the Bible. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Don't you realize your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." What we put in our body, directly reflects how much we care and respect our bodies. When you eat unhealthily it puts toxins into your body and sometimes damages your body. Think of your body as the church, you wouldn't go through the church with spray paint and writing all over the walls or taking a baseball bat and damaging the things of the church. Of course not, because those are things blessed by God to the church. We respect it. You respect it.
Oftentimes we say, "I just don't feel like working out..." Ecclesiastes 10:18 says, " Laziness leads to a sagging roof, idleness leads to a leaky house." For the breakdown, your body has skin that protects it from the sun and outer objects that would harm it. It has coatings over your organs and also that line your organs so that your organs will be protected from foreign toxins. Just like a roof protects you from the elements. We are called to take care of those protective parts. How do we do so? We protect our "roofs" by eating the necessary nutrients needed to maintain protection. Next, what happens when you don't repair and strengthen areas of a roof or wall? When it rains they begin to leak. The same goes for your body, we must maintain the strength of our bodies in order to keep them running the way God intended.
Finding the best diets that work for you, and the best ways of staying healthy are important and even Biblical. God expects us to take care of the body He gave us. He has a plan for us and if we aren't kept healthy how are we to ever complete what He has in store for us?