Let me get this straight: you honestly believe that you have to be in a relationship in order to be happy? Well here's a newsflash for all of you who even think that this is slightly okay to think. This is for those of you who clearly have your priorities wrong. This is a reality check to the people out there who think that they need a significant other in order to be content with their lives. Because believe it or not, there are so many reasons to be happy while still being single and not so ready to mingle.
You have time to learn about yourself.
Being single means not having to worry about what their plans are this weekend so you can make sure you get enough time with them. Not having to make plans around other people so that you can worry about what you want and need? Seems like pure bliss to me. I see people every day who think that their partner is a complete reflection of themselves and you know what that means? It means that you aren't letting yourself be who you truly are. It means that you are saying that to be happy you have to be just like your significant other without having any reflection of who you are on the inside. Being single is so much more than not having a partner. You get to learn what you love, what you hate, your aspirations, and what you truly believe as a human being. If that doesn't make you happy, then you aren't living your life to the fullest.
You have time to love the number one person in your life: YOU.
No, you do not sound conceited when you say that the person you love in your life the most is yourself because that is how you are supposed to feel. This means that you are putting in as much effort as possible to yourself and treating yourself the best way that you can in order to make yourself happy. Being single isn't as awful as it may seem because being free in life gives you time to focus on those who mean the most to you, especially yourself.
You don't have to worry about someone else.
If you are in your early 20's like I am, this is the one time in your life where the main person that you should be concerned with is yourself. I'm not saying to be selfish and pretend that nobody else exists, but I am saying that being single means that you get to do whatever you want. You get to pick where you want to get food or what you want to do on a Friday night without having to see if your partner is okay with what you pick. The more you focus on yourself, the greater chance that you will find happiness in the future.
Being single is something you SHOULD be happy about.
You're in college or just making your way out of school and into the working field. Worrying about your relationship status and who you're going to date next is the absolute last thing that should be on your mind at this time in your life. Things in life happen for a reason and people are brought into your life because they are supposed to, so don't try and force being in a relationship when your life clearly isn't ready for you to be in one. You will end up being so much happier when you are ready to be in a relationship, and that should be something that makes you happy.