It's no coincidence that some of my closest friends are entirely different than me. We hold distinct religious, political, and cultural views yet we've still managed to build a friendship. I guess a part of me desires to be more like them. I admire the qualities I see in my friends inspiring me to change my ways for the better.
These bonds I have created bring out the best in me. The soft-spoken person learns how to stand up for themselves and speak their mind. The partier learns it can be fun to stay in for the weekend. The home body learns that it can be fun to go out every once in a while. The confident person person learns to be humble. The perfectionist learns that it's ok to make mistakes. The overly calm person learns to care a little more. It brings a sense balance to your life. Your strengths helps your friend's weaknesses and vice versa.
And while it may be difficult to establish a friendship with a person so different from yourself, it's worthwhile. You can only grow as a person. You learn to see life from a different perspective. It makes you more accepting and open to the world and the people around you.
Some of the best friendships are those that consist of different personas. Each person has something special to bring to the table so embrace the diveristy. Don't ever let a few differences take away from what could be a beautiful friendship full of incredible experiences and a chance to become a better version of yourself. No difference matters when a person genuinely cares and is always there for you.