True friendship isn't always about what you need or want, true friendship is what you can give. Often we are tested through our friendships. We often find ourselves in situations that make us reach into ourselves and become different people. What is a friend? Depending on who you ask the question, the answers vary. If you ask a child, the answer is based on someone who plays with you and hangs out with you. If you ask a teenager, the answer varies even more. Because during the teen years so much growth occurs, a teenager's personality and needs in a friend become mercurial. Sometimes they need a shoulder to cry on, sometimes they need a silly companion and sometimes they just need. During the college years, even more change occurs. During this time life long friendships usually are created. Many times existing relationships are tested. It is during these times that one has to decide what type of friend they will be to others.
Everyone hits highs and lows. When you hit a peak in your life and you look around, it feels like everyone is there. They are cheering you on and it seems like they have been there all along through your whole journey that got you to this place. But when you hit a pit and look around...who is really there? Are the same people who were there at the top with you going to help you when hit bottom? Are they going to be helping you through the bad, the good and everything in between? These are some of the questions you should consider when you start to question a friendship. Then step back and ask yourself, have you there been through thick and thin for your friends?
Being a friend isn't just about being about having good times but being there during the bad ones. Its easy to be a friend when everything is good and things seem to be going right. But when life changes course and shakes things up for us a bit, it's important for your friend to know they have you for the long run. Because when it becomes your turn and everything seems to be going downhill for you, you would want your friends to be there. Real friends will show you that they will being there through anything and everything with you. Finding those kinds friends are rare. But if you are like me and have few who will always be there unconditionally then, consider yourself lucky.