One of the most important positions of being in a fraternity is the rush chairman. This position is always important because you are bringing the future of your fraternity to your chapter.
Being in Tau Kappa Epsilon, we always have to be on the top of our game here at Saginaw Valley State University because of the other fraternities. We are always in competition trying to get the best new members for each of our fraternities. Greek life is so amazing, but a few of the positions could be pretty stressful. There are a few positions that each organization in greek life have, like President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Educator, and Scholarship. There are also chairs for each greek organization like Rush (which is my position), Fundraising, Philanthropy, and Social. These positions and chair positions are what make up each greek organization and without them, there is no control.
Being Rush chairman, you have a lot of responsibilities and duties to be an effective chairman. You have to put on events that attract quality guys so they can run the chapter effectively. The events that you put on for rush can't bring out the wrong people. You have to put on events that will have a positive effect on campus and will show that your fraternity is worth rushing.
Once the rush week is over, you have to vote on who you want to join your fraternity. These guys have to be willing to carry on positive and responsible qualities so they can be able to keep a good face on campus. TKE has worked really hard to make a positive influence on campus and if you attract the wrong people, you can destroy all of the positive progress you have made.
Freshmen are the largest target that most of greek life will go after because of how new they are and how they want to get involved on campus. Being away from home from the first time most likely, they don't want to be alone. Getting involved on campus is one way of not missing home and having them not lose sight on being away for the first time. Greek life is by far one of the best things that has happened to me and countless others because of the connections and the brotherhood and the feeling of being loved from others. Joining greek life helped many of us grow and help us transition to the real world.
Rush chair is one of the biggest and most important chair positions there are because you are bringing in the future of your fraternities chapter. There are many reasons to love greek life, but I love greek life because I love expanding my chapter. Bringing other men into my fraternity is one of the reasons why I chose my position and why I love my job as rush chair.