Everyone has their story, we come from many different countries, religions and cultures. Each of us have our unique experiences that make us into the men and women we are today. We are all impacted by different scenarios and have role models to show us the world. Even if this is a given, we never realize how different each person sees the world.I value my family more than anything, the way my family acts, talks, and breathes is the way I also live my life. My parents are my role models and with that being said family circumstances have a major role in molding me into who I am today.
Like many other Americans my age, younger or older, I am a first Generation American. Until attending a university I never realized how differently I saw life as opposed to my friends who have had ancestors in the United States for decades. I was seeking something that seemed so unattainable in the perspective of my family but to everyone else college seemed like something of the norm, when in reality it is such a large accomplishment that is taken for granted.
I have never held such high pride in being a First Generation as I do now, I attend college, which is something my parents always wished for, I will receive a degree for myself and build my own family to fully fulfill the American dream. I value every second of my experience in college because I realize to some it is just a dream that can never be fulfilled, much like my parents.Not only do we take our education for granted but so many other aspects that are a part of our everyday lives. In some other countries, they don't have the ability to speak their minds and share their passions, let alone freedom at all. We are so open to many opportunities to better our lives that aren't offered anywhere else. My parents have been on opposite ends of the spectrum and have taught me the value and importance of coming from a place with nothing. We are capable of working ourselves not only to improve our lives but the generations to come. No matter where in the world there will always be someone wanting nothing more than becoming an American and yet we take every day like a grain of sand.
Every child speaks of how hard their parents work on a daily basis and tend to hold pride in that, but without a doubt I speak this with truth, my parents are the most hard working, strong willed individuals I have ever met. From the time they were stepping foot on American land with nothing but a few dollars to where they have come today has been a drastic change. Against all odds, they were able to build themselves up and see their children become just as successful. They have given me the determination and drive to succeed like no other. If they were able to make such an improvement on their life, then so can I.
So I ask you to realize not everyone has the same situation as you do, and be grateful for all that you are given. Life's importance doesn't come from materialistic things but the values you obtain throughout that journey.