Every since I was a kid, I honestly can't remember not having a dog in the house. Throughout my life, I have been the owner of 4 dogs; Duchess, Chestnut, Duke and Rambo. Three Shelton Sheepdogs and a mix of a German Shepard and a Great Pyrenees.
These four dogs encompass my life to this day and I probably haven't had a more trustworthy companion than a dog, to be honest. It doesn't matter how long I'm gone for the day. My dogs will greet me as soon as I enter the house. Name someone who does that every time you get home. Dogs have made my life bearable on daily basis. If I have had a bad day or wasn't happy for some reason, all my dogs would have to do is greet me. Dogs can definitely sense when something is wrong and they do a great job at correcting it. This is not to say that some dogs can bring some form of mischief. When dogs begin to get accustomed to your routine, they sometimes expect exactly that. If they become so use to you being home, and then you leave for an extended period of time, they might have some stinky surprise for you when you get home. My dogs Duke and Chestnut use to leave some ripped up remains of said objects by the front door. The most memorable moment with Duke was when he had torn apart my Mom's pearl necklace and all the pearls laid around in the living room for all to see. And where did I find my dog? In a far corner in my parent's bedroom. The usual plan is to coax him to come out and tell him how bad he is. Duke had a tendency to slowly walk towards us with ears down and tail between the legs. Once we tell him to be a good boy next time, he gets all happy and proceeds to jump on us like nothing happened.
Its always amazing how dogs can sense when they've done something wrong and how they feel like they should make up for it. Most recently I have not had to scold my dogs for anything serious. It take a lot of training at their young age so that they don't misbehave later on. It truly goes a long way for both the dog and the dog owner. It pains me to see dogs who are treated like crap by their owners, and when the dog end up hurting someone, they get put down. As an avid dog owner, it is up to the owner to train their pets accordingly.
My most recent dog is Rambo. He is about 2 years old and we got him at a local kill shelter. If you don't know what that is, its a shelter for dogs that have no owner, no real home, or behavioral issues. If they aren't bought and paid for, they are eventually euthanized. So my family pretty much saved this dog's life, and now he lives a happy life with me and my family in a nice home with food and more toys than he could imagine. He greets us with a smile every day and wakes us up every morning. When ever I go back to school, I receive a picture from my mom of my dog Rambo sadly laying on my bed just waiting for me to come home. That's when you know dogs are man's best friend.