When it comes to being a woman in your 20's there is a lot going on. You have some friends who are single, partying and perfectly content with their sleepless, drunken lives. Then you have some girls who just got engaged and are in middle of stressful wedding planning. Then there are girls like myself, drowning in school work and busting your butt to get that degree. Also, you still question whether or not college is worth it. (Totally is).
For the longest time, I was trying to rush. I thought I had to get my life figured out by the time I graduated. I thought I needed to be engaged, I thought I needed to forget my dreams and forget that I had wings and just settle like every body else.
Then I realized that God has me in this place in my life for a reason. I don't have to have it all figured out right now. That grass that's greener on the other side? Sometimes it's greener because it's fertilized with bull crap.
I realized that even though some of my dreams are crazy and the "plan" I have for my life is a little crazy, that I can accomplish it. I can make my life what I want it to be. I know it's not easy sitting around and watching everyone around you move forward with their careers or relationships, but God has you here for a reason.
You sit back and trust what he is putting in front of you.
There are still days when I question for a second whether I'm where I'm "supposed to be". At the end of the day there is not a single place that you are supposed to be. You are living your life to the fullest, fulfilling your dreams, spending time with friends and loved ones, and enjoying this life that is way too short.
Don't get wrapped up in what everyone else is accomplishing when you are accomplishing things that are just as important, that sometimes you just don't see.
Your gonna meet the love of your life and eventually get married. Stop being so uncomfortable every single day waiting for when that is gonna happen. Your going to get that raise or promotion, don't stop working to get it because your tired of waiting.
You wanna start working out and eating better? Do it.
You wanna watch more movies and make more time for your friends? Do it.
Be happy with the fact that you are here. Walk outside and just be in the sun for a little while
Most importantly. don't stop praying. I fell off that train for a little while and it hurts.When I finally decided that my life without talking to God wasn't a happy one, things started looking up. He listens and he answers your prayers, whether you realized you really wanted them or not.
Sometimes the best prayers are the unanswered ones. You know that Garth Brooks song right? Yeah, same thing.
Be content with where he has you now, where he has you five years from now will be even better.