I have never been one to whine or complain much—especially when issues arise about things I have the ability to control, such as my major. I try to keep in mind that I chose this career path and the complications it comes with. That being said, I’m just going to take a quick 500 words or so to complain. A lot.
Being a communications major is hard. I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked me what I want to do with my major, asked me to explain it more “in depth” or bluntly just accused me of choosing my major because it’s easy. Easy? That word actually makes me laugh. Out loud. Sarcastically.
Being a communications major, no matter what concentration you’re in, is extremely difficult for a wide array of reasons. My classes consist of everything from Business to Economics to Graphic Design. That’s just the beginning of it, though.
Let’s talk about group work, shall we? Remember in high school when we all had to work in groups of random people in our classes to “get to know one another”? That is basically my life as a college student. I haven’t taken one major-required course so far that didn’t involve group work in some type of way. I understand that this is an important part of what my future career will look like (that and spending every paycheck on my student loans) but it honestly sucks. Group work is many things including: awkward, confusing, frustrating and, yes, hard.
I know that on the surface being a Comm major really does look simple. I mean, last semester I took a class that was essentially learning how to use social media. News flash: it takes more than a poor quality Instagram picture with the caption “#blessed” to reach the target audience of a company. People are constantly asking me why I am always on my phone or checking my Twitter or Instagram feed. The answer is simple: I am practicing for when I have a career.
My least favorite part about being a communications major, however, is probably the responses I get when I tell people what I’m studying. A popular one is: “What do you plan to do with that?” Um. I don’t know. Literally anything I want to. In all seriousness, the field I’m going into has so many options from Marketing to Event Management to Public Relations and so on. PSA: when I say I’m not entirely sure what I want my career to be, please don’t assume that I chose communications because it’s “easy” or that I don’t care about my career. When I say I don’t know, it’s simply because I can’t really decide which path I want to take.
Now that my complaining has ceased, I have to say that I really do love and appreciate my major. It has brought me together with some awesome people and allows me to be creative in whatever path I choose to take. That being said, it’s hard and annoying as hell.