I experienced quite a bit of writer's block in trying to come up with a topic, as well as substantive material to support it for this week. I began to take in the objects around me.
That is when I realized that there is quite a bit of technology present to help me get through my day to day life. I began to envision what it would be like without having all of that technology.
I imagine it would be quite the task, considering the fact that I rely on various devices more than I should. I continued to ponder the harsh differences that would take place, had technology not existed. I have every reason to believe that being a student would pose many challenges in addition to the challenges that already exist in today's world.
I use my laptop for virtually everything. Online classes, exams, note taking, and miscellaneous web browsing to take a break from the rigors and maintain my sanity are all done on my laptop. It is always with me when I am on campus, and it is tucked away safely when I am back at home. So what would college life be like without it?
That question can be answered with one simple word: uneasy. It has become such a huge routine to wake up, take my laptop off the charger, put it in my bag, use it frequently through out the day, put it on the charger when the day is done, and repeat this almost every single day. I do not even know the last time I turned in an assignment on paper or looked up a certain topic using an encyclopedia.
In fact, I am not sure I have ever used an encyclopedia (cue laughter). Instead of my laptop, I could have a book bag filled with messy papers from various classes. The alternative to having technology on hand seems like quite the mess in my opinion. This is because so many of us are conditioned to rely on our devices.
The media is a major part of being a college student in the 21st century, whether one wants to believe it or not. The mass media (or fake news) is in your face, despite what you want to believe or view.
Whether it be a breakthrough in cancer research or the latest celebrity scandal, you are bound to hear about it. This can be both a blessing and a curse. I would venture to say that "back in the day" you could look up only what you want to look up without it being accompanied by a ton of garbage or unnecessary information.
With almost anything that you look up on the internet, you will find something completely unrelated or untrue that finds a way into your search. On the other hand, there are hundreds of thousands ( if not millions) of bits of vital information that can present itself without you even looking for it.
For example: If one of my professors assigns us a research paper with a broad range of topics, the sky is virtually the limit in terms of what I can find on the internet.
In piggybacking off what I said in the previous text, it is a blessing to be able to cram tons of material onto a flash drive, laptop, iPad, or cloud service. Paper is becoming more and more obsolete.
I would venture to say that if any of you asked your parents what the definition of cloud services, in terms of technology, means, it would generate quite a few blank stares and confused remarks. Being able to store information in this virtual cloud is something I would have never thought to be possible as a child.
I always assumed that everything was concrete, and cloud service is a far cry from concrete. I have yet to find any cons in being able to store the equivalence of thousands of papers worth of material onto a device that is smaller than a snack-sized candy bar, or within a service that is not tangible whatsoever. The exception to this would be a huge increase in our reliance on technology, but that is the world we live in.
At the end of the day, I find myself being quite knowledgeable when it comes to technology. I have helped many friends, family, and even some professors with their technological matters of contention. I do not think I would ever want a life free of technology, despite the potential for simplicity.
Being in college has allowed me to develop many different skills that have helped me in my studies, as well as in my personal life. For that I am grateful. I know exactly what it is like to be a college student in the 21st century.