This Cold Makes Me Want To Get Cozy, Not Study | The Odyssey Online
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This Cold Makes Me Want To Get Cozy, Not Study

Especially when it's raining.

cats in a blanket

Yesterday, it rained. And I had class to go too.

This wasn't any normal rain, though. This was cold-front cold. And it was POURING. Like raining so hard you can't see anything.

But, anything for the GPA, right?

I put on my poncho that made me look like a trash bag, grabbed snacks, my laptop, and about ALL my homework (just in case I got stranded in somewhere), and headed to class.

I didn't even try to run. It was pointless.

I walked across campus in the rain, getting my shoes soaked, telling myself that I should've just skipped, and made it to class.

Of course, it was fifty degrees in the classroom. I almost died, I swear.

I did this another time to get to my last class of the day, and then made my way back to the dorm.

I lived, took a hot shower, changed into Halloween pajama pants, and got all nice and cozy in bed. I opened my laptop, excited to relax, and then remembered.

I had a paper due on Thursday.

And about ten books to read.

It completely killed my mood!

I sucked it up and worked for about four hours, and then finally watched a spooky movie, and then went to bed.

And then, this morning, I woke up. And it was still cold.

Which made getting out of bed really hard.

Do you see how the cold is hampering my productivity?

It's hard to stay focused, and it's not even THAT cold outside!

Sure, if it was hot out, I would be suffering too, but at least I would have zero desire to crawl into bed.

It's only going to get colder, and school is only going to get harder.

Pray for me, you guys.

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