A few articles have been written on ways to compliment people other than calling them “pretty.”
While I think I understand the point, they want people to appreciate them by more than just the outside. They want to compliment other people’s souls and personalities.
Because people should look deeper and compliment individuals with other adjectives describing how you see them and what they mean to you.
With that being said, I don’t mind being called pretty.
It's sweet and can make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I wouldn’t say it is my favorite compliment. Being said, if a girlfriend, a family member, a cute boy, or even a stranger tells me I look pretty, I will remember it.
For me it’s not as much about what word was used, but the thought.
Someone was thinking about me enough to go out of their way and tell me in one way or another that they appreciate my being.
I honestly want to be called pretty, but also bold, and loyal, and witty, and clever.
When I tell someone they look pretty I don’t mean to neglect how captivating or talented they are. I mean to give them the warm feeling inside that comes with a compliment.
So, I will continue to tell the people whose souls I connect to, whose smiles brighten my day, whose existence I want to appreciate. I'll even tell someone whose outfit is on point that they are pretty, brave, exquisite, fearless, and wonderful beings.
The point is: tell people you appreciate them in one way or another. You should tell them using whatever adjective that comes to mind in the moment you are thinking about them.