It is almost certain that at some point in your college or working career you will look into your bank account and find that you are, to your great dismay, broke. For a lot of people, this experience of looking into their bank account and finding it has run dry often happens for the first time when they are young and managing their money for the first time. Being broke is a situation demanding maturity, but that is no reason not to laugh at ourselves from time to time, so here is being broke as told by gifs from popular television series Breaking Bad.
1. When you think you have $67.34 in your account but you really have $4.37.
I’m not sure how this happens, but somehow we always manage to miscalculate the amount of money we actually end up spending on groceries, the phone bill, or that fast food meal that you were sure was gonna fit into the budget.
2. When you still have a week before you get paid and you account only has $5.32 in it.
Getting paid every two weeks makes budgeting twice as difficult. As a person who has worked jobs that pay both weekly and every other week, the weekly payments are much better suited to young people making low wages and still learning to budget properly.
3. When you wanna call in sick to work but you know you need the money.
I have come to find that working isn’t a bad thing at all, in fact I enjoy having a job more than not. However, those hours leading up to going into work always seem to be the worst hours of the day, filled with thoughts of faking a cold or calling into work with a “stomach bug.” Being truly broke means that you keep your eyes on the prize during these moments of temptation because your finances depend on it.
4. When your friend is talking about how “broke” they are but their parents still pay for everything.
Oh, please tell me again how you are so broke that you couldn’t afford those concert tickets that you really really needed. I’ll just be over here budging to be sure I can afford bread and milk for the week.
5. When your direct deposit finally comes into your bank account.
Nothing is more of a thrill than seeing your bank account's balance rising from that ashes of your spending over the last week or two. Not to mention that working will never feel more worth while than in those moments when you first see your check deposited in you account.
6. When people start telling you how you should or should not spend/save your money.
Yes, do go on about how I would be so much better off doing my finances the way that works for you. After all, I don’t know anything about the amount of money I make or the expenses that I have, you are much more knowledgeable on all of those things…