Being a bridesmaid is hard work, but it is also extremely fun. You get to dress up and look nice and have your hair done up. You feel like a princess when you are finished getting primped.
You also have the job of helping the bride with a million wedding tasks. She will ask you to get her things. She will ask for you to go talk to people for her. Anything she asks you must do.
Then there are pictures. There will be so many pictures you will feel like your face is stuck in a smile, but it's worth it. The bride has pictures arranged already, so all you have to do is get in place and smile.
After pictures is the big moment. You wait for your cue then you walk down the aisle and get in your spot. You have to keep your smile on and try not to fidget. Then, you wait for the beautiful bride to come out. I love the reactions of the audience when they first see her. Then, you wait for the kiss that seals the deal then you walk back up the aisle.
Then, there are a few more pictures. After that you go to the reception. The reception is so much fun because of the dancing a laughter we all share and the food is amazing. Then, the bride and groom takes the floor for their first dance. That moment is so beautiful. Next comes the bridal party dance. In the wedding I was just in, the bride surprised us with a fast song instead of a slow song. It was so much fun and it was exciting! The speeches come nect and the best man and the maid of honor say kind words for the bride and groom and for their new lives together.
I loved being a bridesmaid. It was fun, tiring, and a little stressful all at the same time. However, I wouldn't have traded this chance for anything else in the world!