When I found out I was going to be an aunt, I was absolutely ecstatic. Honestly, I was hoping for a girl all along, which makes being your aunt even better. I never knew it was possible to give such a small human being so much love. You are such a joy and I'm so blessed to have you in my life.
It is so hard not seeing you every day anymore because I am away at school, but just know I still love you more than anything. You change so much so fast, and I wish I could be there to see you grow every day into the beautiful girl you are. Seeing you overcome all the obstacles you have since you were born, shows me just how strong you already are. For that, I am even more proud of you. No matter how much distance comes between us, just know that I will always come back to see you.
Baby girl, I will always spoil you. I still remember your first Christmas and how you were only a little over 4 months old, but I couldn't help but buy you almost every cute outfit I saw at work. I love dressing you up cute and going out with you. Mom-mom and Pop-pop always give me a look when I come home and spoil you by picking you up every time I go somewhere, giving you my stuff to play with or giving you pieces of everything I eat. Just know that I will always spoil you, after all, that's my job of being the aunt.
You have taught me a lot, and I've matured so much since you have been born. At 17, I never imagined that I would be changing a baby's diaper, giving a bath to a child or watching you so that you didn't choke, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Thank you for all the endless laughs and great stories you will always give me. It's so cute to see you dancing in your car seat because you look like a little inch worm. You can't really talk yet, but it's so cute to see you reaching out for what you want. One of my favorites is when you go "mm" to grown-up food you really like because you always come back for more.
I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. I love looking back at pictures from the day you were born, to present pictures and to pictures I imagine I'll take in the future. You are one of the biggest lights in my life and I am so blessed to be your aunt. Thank you for being the bundle of joy that you are. I love you so much Avi and I can't wait to see your beautiful face again.