You might've read my article titled “When You Make A Girl An Aunt, You Change Her World In All The Best Ways". Well, that cute baby in the cover photo is growing, so here's an update for you guys. The older my nephew gets, the more I love 'em and the happier I am. I didn't think it was possible, but it is. He melts my heart. As I watch him grow, I'm learning that just when I didn't think I could love him more, he shows me all the new wonderful things about him.
When you make a girl an Aunt she always has a contagious smile to look for that will brighten her day.
My nephew goes from a smirk to a smile with dimples in his cheeks. His smile is infectious and can always cheer me up. The bigger he gets the bigger his smile grows. You're teaching me to smile more because it can make someone's day.
When you make a girl an aunt she will laugh more than ever.
He starts with a giggle, snorts a few times, and then he is belly laughing and the fun transfers right over to me. I can't help but laugh when I see the joy in his sweet face. You're teaching me to laugh without a care in the world.
When you make a girl an aunt, the little things are now a huge deal to her.
Learning to crawl, making new sounds, and trying new foods were all rather uninteresting before I was an aunt. Now, these are huge deals and I am left in amazement at the things he can do. You're teaching me to appreciate the small stuff because it's still so important.
When you make a girl an aunt, her new favorite kisses are small slobbery ones.
You don't even mind the fact that there is drool running down your face or that you have to wash your hair again because slobbery hands used your pony tail to pull you in for more kisses. In fact, you can't get enough of the innocent pure love. You're teaching me to go with the flow.
When you make a girl an aunt, she shops differently.
Instead of making a beeline straight for your favorite jeans, you have to stop by the baby section and make sure there's nothing the baby "needs". You're teaching me to be less selfish and so far it has been so easy.
When you make a girl an aunt, you open up a whole new world for her.
I just thought I knew what it was like to be so proud of a tiny human, but he continues to surprise me. Things that never mattered before are now a huge deal. He's so unbelievably smart. This little boy is teaching me so much and he is only 8 months old. Your future is bright little man.