1. You're an adult now, technically, but you have no idea what you're doing.
How did this happen? How were you not more prepared?
2. There are just so many questions...
What are taxes? How does one adult?
3. You have to have a "real" job now.
You have to go in, typically, every day and be responsible... Ew.
4. The paychecks are nice (and necessary) to life though.
Most of it goes to bills, but it's still nice to have your own money!
5. Sometimes you just feel so out of place and have no idea what to do.
You are not the only one though.
6. You have the hardest time deciding on anything and everything.
What should my major be? What kind of job do I want? Where should I go for dinner?
7. I mean a really hard time deciding...
It's just really hard knowing what you want sometimes.
8. You don't feel that old until teenagers are around.
9. You live for the "boring" days of just sitting at home.
You love being able to sit around in your pajamas doing nothing. Going to bed by 10 pm sounds like a dream come true.
10. The older you get, the less you want to go out and party.
"Let's go out dancing tonight!" -- Um... no?
11. Unless of course there is free food...
"Will there be food? ... Okay, I'll go."
12. Occasionally though, you need a night out.
There's been so much going on and you finally have a night off? No work or kids? Sometimes, you just need to have some fun!
13. Sometimes things happen in life you just can't control.
Bad things are going to happen, and continue to happen. That's just the way of life.
14. You can't give up though...
But you get back out there and show the world who's boss.
15. The key is having great friends.
A great group of friends can make all the difference. So, find someone as weird as you and hold on tight.