Stop what you are doing right now and channel all of your surroundings. In this one tiny slice of your life, where are you, who are you with, and what are you doing? Whether you are in Colorado or New York City, single or in a relationship, fully emerged in a multimillion dollar corporation, doing freelance photography, or you simply are a college student, we all have one basic need in common.
This is the need for independence. There are often two common reactions to the thought of being alone. One, as a feeling of relief and the other, as a deepening dread. Yet, in today’s fast-paced society it is actually quite healthy to enjoy alone time and appreciate the minor but beautiful gifts life offers.
As human beings, we are naturally very dependent. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting interaction and to have fun, but when we cannot be alone with ourselves that is where the problem originates. Growing up as an only child, I learned to entertain myself and be comfortable with this feeling at a very young age. My alone time is my sacred time, especially in college. With the stressors of class, work, and just everyday life, I value every moment I can get to feel at peace with my self and my surroundings.
When you are alone your senses are at much more heightened levels. Something as trivial as taking the first sip of a caramel latte at a new coffee shop or discovering a new way to walk home, you become more aware of life. I am not saying that a caramel latte would not taste just as delicious if you were with a significant other, or group of friends, but it is a different appreciation. Plain and simple.
Sometimes in our everyday agendas, we need to detox. Setting aside this alone time in our busy schedules may seem difficult but even taking ten minutes out of your day just to sit alone in your favorite place will have positive effects on one’s mindset. When you are young, you feel invincible. So if you want to do something, do it.
There are times in our life where we need to just get out and accomplish some things by ourselves. I guarantee to you, you will not feel lonely in this act. Instead, you’ll feel empowered and capable. So expose yourself to situations you normally wouldn’t. Explore a new city by yourself. Travel. Try a new restaurant or cuisine. Try meditating in the park. Whatever your fancy is, it will help you grow as a person.
About six months ago, I wanted to see the movie “Snatched” with Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn really badly. Everyone in my life at the time, including myself had been busy. I was a little wary of going to the movie theater by myself because I thought it would be weird. Yet, I still remember how freeing it was to laugh out loud by myself and clearly hear my happiness fill the air. Surrounded by mostly couples, I came to this realization of how full I really was, when allowing myself to decompress the stress building. Going to the movies alone may not be everyone’s thing, but trust me you’ll find a niche and it will free you.
At the end of the day, no one wants to end up alone. But the issue with this is that being alone is always strung by a negative connotation. There are several positives and negatives to venturing out on one’s own. Next time you are out in a public setting, take a moment and sincerely look around at your surroundings. Just remember there are so many people, trees, cute little dogs, babies, and flowers to every feel truly lonely.