After a a big miscommunication, fight, or break-up, there is this awkward time period where no one involved is sure what to do or how to feel. It's like emotional limbo. You're definitely hurt, you don't know where the other person stands, but you're pretty sure they're hurt--- just everything hurts. You're not sure if you want to cry or scream, so you kinda do both. It feels like you're trying to maneuver a minefield, blindfolded.
And then, it all stops. Time, space, emotions. Everything stops. And everything sucks.
Suddenly, for the last three days you've been sitting in your room eating mountains of junk food, mindlessly wondering what happened, feeling really sorry for yourself.
Well, I'm here to tell you to knock it off. You are better than this.
Whether you believe me, or not, I want you to know this:
You are strong, you are worth it, and you are better than this. I know it hurts right now, but I am a big believer in destiny, so if it was meant to be it will happen.
You and your friend will forgive and make up. The truth will eventually surface. Whatever transpired between you and your relative will blow over. Whoever broke up with who had their reasons, and they can be talked through.
But, if it doesn't, that is okay too. Being alone isn't the end of the world.
Please, take the ridiculous notion that being with someone 24/7, friend or significant other, is the only way you can be happy. You are a beautiful, incredible soul to begin with; you are not half of a person just because you are alone.
If anything, being alone gives you time to realize the best parts of you, and the worst. It gives you time really find yourself, every part of yourself. It gives you to time to embrace who you are, and learn to love it.
It shows you that you can stand on your own two feet.
It also shows you who is really there for you through everything. It's great to have everyone around for the highs of life, but the ones that pick you up when you're literally on the ground, willing to walk through the mounds of snot-filled tissues to get you, are the ones that make life great again. They're the ones that are going to show you the best parts of you, the ones you didn't realize.
The point is, you are an incredible person all your own. You don't need someone attached to you to tell you that.
You don't have to believe me. You don't even have to acknowledge anything I just said, but if there is anything I want you to remember, it is this:
You are special, incredible person, and if you love yourself the right people will love you, too.
Being alone is okay. I promise.