Being single is usually difficult around the holidays when everyone around you seems to be paired up. Although this may be a harsh reminder that you’re alone, there’s no reason to think there’s anything wrong with that. You don’t need one person to validate yourself or make you happy, and there are so many reasons to be thankful that you are by yourself.
1. Going stag to Christmas parties.
What’s so bad about not having a plus one at a holiday party? Chances are if alcohol and a date were involved, your night would have ended up with you in tears anyway.
2. You don’t have to buy that special gift.
There’s already enough money being spent on gifts during the holidays as it is. Being single means that there’s no stress, difficulty, or effort put into looking for that one perfect gift.
3. You don’t have to split time between families.
Now you can be selfish and spend all of your time with your own family instead of pretending to be happy that you had to split the time evenly.
4. Spending time with your friends.
Give your full, undivided attention to your friends that you haven’t seen in awhile without having to worry about the next time you’ll see your significant other. This is the time in our lives where we’re supposed to be a little selfish.
5. Working.
There’s a whole month of winter break that can be used to work and make money. Don’t worry about balancing your time, use the time you have to do things that will benefit yourself without it being influenced by another person.
6. Treating yourself.
Maybe you don’t feel 100 percent great about being alone, and that’s OK. With the extra money that you may be making over break, treat yourself. Go shopping, get a new haircut, a mani-pedi, or all three.
7. Going out.
You may be perfectly fine spending winter break alone at your house, or maybe you’re looking for a distraction. Go out downtown and celebrate the end of the semester with your friends or make an effort to meet someone new.
8. New Year's Eve.
You don’t need a kiss at midnight to validate yourself. Surround yourself with the amazing people that were there for you this year, rather than dwelling on the one person that wasn’t. Go into the New Year with a positive mindset.
9. Being genuinely happy.
There are so many things that can go wrong while you’re in a relationship, and it can affect your mood drastically. Of course, there are things in life that can go wrong that are out of your control whether you’re single or not, but there’s no longer that force in your life that can control when you’re happy or sad. You can control your own happiness, and that’s a great, empowering feeling.