It has not been easy being a woman. Living in this country it is one of the hardest things. We live in a country where women are not always equal. I mean, hell, look at our reproductive rights right now, they are being decided by a man. You can not even get your uterus removed without having your husbands approved. You can have one or six kids yet you need your husband's permission to close up shop.
Living in this country has made it impossible to be a woman. Did you have a miscarriage? After years of trying for that baby that you loved oh so fricken much? Well, get ready for your jail sentence cause it will be coming soon. Were you ready for having a baby? Maybe not because financial, emotionally or even mentally you just truly did not want a baby. Guess what though? Good luck getting a legal abortion in the country of America. Our rights are being stripped and ate up by men. Living in this country has a woman is hard. We fear every day of the unknown and what might happen. We live in fear that we are going to go back in time to where we are just a piece of property to men. Honestly, that is happening. Slowly but surely men are deciding for us what to wear, what to think, how to act, and most importantly what to do with our bodies. If we get manipulated to think a certain way then we teach our daughters that then it becomes a vicious cycle of being less of a woman. I believed that it was one of the most freeing and precious things to be a woman in this country. But as I have gotten older I have slowly but surely realized that it is not precious that it is not beautiful. Being a woman in America sucks, it is hard, it is a scary time to live. We are not equal anymore. We are not equal in the workforce, in marriage, to our children, to our spouses, to society, to the justice system, we are not safe anymore