The Complete Recollection Of A Day In The Life Of An 8-Year-Old In 2008 | The Odyssey Online
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The Complete Recollection Of A Day In The Life Of An 8-Year-Old In 2008

Thank god you didn’t set your secret favorite song, "Forever” by Chris Brown as your alarm.

The Complete Recollection Of A Day In The Life Of An 8-Year-Old In 2008
Alexa Caruso

You wake up to your alarm blasting,"Burnin' Up” by The Jonas Brothers. Immediately, your day is off to a good start because Nick Jonas is your idol.

Thank god you didn’t set your secret favorite song, "Forever” by Chris Brown as your alarm. If your mom heard you listening to that, she would be mad and take away your iPod nano as punishment.

You realize the school bus is coming in 20 minutes so you throw on your best sparkly t-shirt from Limited Too and pull your hair back with pink barrettes. If you were feeling risky that day, maybe you would even clip in a piece of fake purple hair.

The tee you chose matches perfectly with your new jean skirt. However, you struggle to decide between your Crocs, Sketchers or Heelys.

You head downstairs and your favorite show, "Hannah Montana," is on. You're hyped because your mom didn’t let you stay up late enough last night to watch the new episode. Also, you heard rumors at school that a Hannah Montana movie will be coming out next year.

With five minutes to spare before the bus is coming, you enjoy a bowl of Rice Krispies and Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes. Then, you throw Lunchables in your rolling backpack and head to the bus stop.

On the bus, one of the girls brought a gossip magazine they stole from their mom. The girls are whispering about Britney Spears’ recent scandal. However, you decide to play "Cooking Mama" on your Nintendo D.S.

Some of the fifth graders are dating, and they cuddle in the back. You and your friends totally think it’s gross because boys have cooties.

Ugh, when you arrive at school, you realize it’s gym day and immediately regret wearing the jean skirt. Before you sit down at your desk, you write the date on the board. Last month you were line leader, but your classroom job this month is to write the date.

As you sit down at your neatly organized desk, you are tempted to play with the Tamagotchi you hid in the back of your desk. Instead, you watch time tick by until it is snack time.

For snacks, you have Danimals and Goldfish. You are jealous of the kids who has Scooby Snacks and Gushers.

You notice your friend has the glow in the dark mermaid silly band and YOU need it. You offer to trade her your tie-dye guitar silly band….but...the teacher catches you and makes you sit in class for 15 minutes during recess as punishment. Of course, Silly bands are banned at your school because two kids on the bus were flinging them at each other.

As you sit inside and watch recess from the window, you see a game of four square and a game of kickball. When staring at the game makes you way too jealous, you stare at the “got milk?” posters on the wall.

Finally, when 15 minutes is up, you run outside and play concentration with your BFFLS. One of the annoying boys comes up and asks you if you want a piece of gum even though gum is not allowed at school. You grab a piece, and it shocks you. You storm away and tell the teacher.

At gym, your teacher informs you of the dreadful news that you are training for the pacer test. You practice by running back and forth in the gym. You wish you could go back to last gym class when you were scooting around on the plastic scooters.

Back in class, your teacher is instructing you on two-digit subtraction on the overhead projector. After that, she hands out the latest edition of "TIME: For Kids" magazine. The cover was the upcoming Olympics in Beijing.

After school, your mom takes you to the mall. You beg for Pretzel Time but she says no. When she takes you into Abercrombie, you quickly get over it.

Abercrombie is what the cool kids wear, and you look embarrassing in your Limited Too clothes. Your mom buys you your first Abercrombie T-shirt and cardigan and you practically feel like a celebrity.

When you go home, you take care of business on Club Penguin. A few months ago, you retired from Webkinz, but you still keep the stuffed animals. You had no choice but to retire once you heard rumors going around about the Webkinz doctor, Dr. Quack, killing animals!

To end off the day, your parents let you watch TV for 40 minutes. You decide to watch one of your favorite shows, "That's So Raven" and enjoy a popsicle.

10 years later, you can find yourself pretty much doing the same thing.

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