A tattoo is sometimes seen as a regret for later on in life, but those who have the latest tattoo craze sweeping the nation, won't be having regrets anytime soon. The tattoo is normally located on the wrist and depicts a semicolon pictured below:
This is part of Project Semicolon which has grown in popularity over the previous two years.
As stated on their website, Project Semicolon was established in the spring of 2013, when the Project Semicolon founder, Amy Bleuel tragically lost her father to suicide. Amy has since then stated to ABC News that "The idea behind the tattoo is to say that your story isn't over yet. That you are the author of your story and you are choosing to continue."
For those who recall what a semicolon is in literary terms, it means that the author could've ended the sentence, but continued to go on.
Project Semicolon has served as an inspiration for many individuals who have struggled with suicide or self harm. Bleuel hopes that this project can help others and see that they're not alone.
With the increase in popularity of Project Semicolon, on their website you can now order free items such as wallpapers with their slogan "Hope is Alive" which is their campaign to share stories "of those who have struggled with depression, abuse, addiction, self-injury, mental illness and suicide" by using the #HopeisAlive15, you can also share your story.
Project Semicolon also offers opportunities to help them expand by passing out printable flyers and donating to help those who are currently struggling with suicide and depression.
Amy Bleuel now estimates that over a million people currently have the tattoo and have participated in Project Semicolon.
If you'd love to keep updated with Project Semicolon, please like their Facebook page.