Most people think that Starbucks is the place to go for relaxing studies and basic blondes, but pumpkin spice lattes are more than just Instagram fillers. They are the means to make ends meet for many employees, known within the company as partners. Now, if you tell someone that you work at Starbucks, the typical response is “That’s awesome!” or “How did you manage that?” You might think that the job is pretty good, but from an inside perspective, you would know that it is absolutely wonderful.
Starbucks is one of, if not the most, relaxing franchises the industry, and it offers more than just a comforting atmosphere. Starbucks offers jobs to people of all ages, of all cultures, and without judgment of any kind. There are tons of benefits, ranging from tips to free drinks to health care. The job offers a special training program to teach partners how to craft drinks artfully, and once you have all the basics down, it is possible to become what is known as a coffee master. The coffee master training allows any partner to become an expert coffee taster and informant.
However, the absolute best part of the job is the customers. More than anything, my drive through store in King of Prussia offers a wonderful collection of regulars who brighten my day every time they show up to my location. Each person has their own unique personality, their own unique hand-crafted beverage, and their own unique quirks. I have been able to connect with a number of these customers, and we have been able to share our hearts with one another. Starbucks gives me a place to open my heart, and it has also opened my mind. It has given me a better perspective of the world, and of how to treat other people.
Also, just to blow your mind a little bit more, the average customer is not your “typical white girl.” Most teenage girls simply do not have the funding to stop for a five dollar drink every day. However, the average customer, usually thirty or older, is able to make an impact on my day as a partner. I live to make the lives of others better, and I go into each work day with the goal of making every person I interact with smile. My job is more than a job. It is more than memorizing drink recipes. It is more than steaming milk and mopping floors. It is an opportunity. An opportunity to be the best I can be and to do the most I can to help other people. It is incredible. Ten out of ten would recommend.