For any college student, the beginning of the school year comes with lots of adjustments, some changes, many challenges, and renewed feelings of both stress and excitement. It takes a few weeks to get back into the swing of things, which can lead to lots of awkward moments and common struggles. Since I myself am still in this phase of readjusting to school life, I took the liberty of comparing some common beginning-of-the-year experiences to the TV show we all know and love: "The Office."
1. Showing up to the first day of class dressed to impress...
...then losing your motivation the very next day:
2. The misleading homework-less syllabus week...
...but then quickly being faced with the overwhelming workload of the rest of the semester:
3. Or maybe your teacher dove straight into lecture on the first day:
4. Meeting the new people in your classes...
...and figuring out who to avoid for group projects:
5. After pulling the first all-nighter of the year:
6. Or quite literally rolling out of bed right before that 8 a.m. class:
7. Comparing the amount of money you made over the summer to your tuition bill:
8. Going into your first exam of the year:
9. Finally calling home and trying to describe to your parents what your classes are like:
10. Gradually filling up your calendar, and longing for the summer, when your days were stress-free:
11. Seeing those people you know but aren't close friends with, and trying to make small talk by asking how their summer went:
12. Struggling to eat healthy when pizza delivery is just a phone call away:
The struggles are all too real. Whether you're trying to juggle classes or attempting to cram all your meetings onto one calendar, you can take comfort in knowing that the cast of "The Office" is always there for you when you need a good laugh. From me to you, my dear reader, good luck with your transition back into the year. I hope you love school as much as Kevin Malone loves junk food.