As college students, we are likely all feeling the pain of the beginning of exam season. This is the part of the semester where things start to get real. Not only are we dealing with typical homework and project deadlines, but now we are also faced with the responsibility of cramming for our first exams. If you're stressing out over an upcoming exam or have been in the past week or so, please enjoy this montage of GIFs featuring the infamous Ross Geller.
When your professor says all the questions will be short-answer
When you have more than one exam in the same week...or day
When your professor starts lecturing about material that won't be on the exam RIGHT before said exam
When you walk into the exam after pulling an all-nighter
When your friend who has already taken the class starts talking about how hard the first exam is
Or, when your same friend tells you the exam is super easy
When someone asks you what your score was on the exam that you failed
When you finally understand one of the really hard concepts that is going to be on the exam
When you think you have your life together up until the exam begins
When you're super stressed from studying and someone tips you over the edge
When you look at the first question on the exam and forget everything you've ever known
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