School has returned! For many of us this means new beginnings and probably some New Year’s resolutions to uphold. I’ve compiled a short (and sweet) list of things that change for college students between first and second semester. Here is to loads of fun, great grades and positive attitudes! Happy second semester!
First semester syllabus week: This is a breeze. Everyone’s been gone for a few months or so and so have professors. Syllabus week is just a nice way to ease into school being back in session.
Second semester syllabus week: If you’re lucky, you might have new classes, but for some of us, we’re just onto the next level of our previous classes. Therefore, syllabus week may only last the first 20 minutes of class. This means homework starts right away. Your face probably looks something like this:
First semester clothes: The weather is still summer-like! Everyone’s sporting a nice tan and their summer bodies. Summer clothes are seen everywhere and everyone appreciates not having to wear a coat out on Friday nights.
Second semester clothes: Well, the weather is gross now. At least here in Ohio. If it’s not snowing, it’s windy, rainy and depressing. No one really cares about how they look, as long as they’re warm and comfortable. You won't be afraid to admit:
First semester food choices: Yay! College! I can’t eat whatever I want without anyone deciding for me!
Second semester food choices: We all know the gym is packed in January for a reason. Everyone seemingly decides to make better food and lifestyle choices. Who knows how long those will last, though. You're just trying to stay away from those tasty foods like:
First semester friends: You might have a lot of new friends coming into your life during first semester. If you’re a freshmen, you probably travel in packs, especially on the weekends.
Second semester friends: The good ones will have stuck around through break and kept up with your life. Second semester friends are the ones you know will be there forever. Seeing friends for the first time in a month usually looks something like this:
First semester room situation: You are messy, you wait to do laundry, and you wait to clean. Bottom line: you’ve yet to get back into the habits of doing your own cleaning (and maybe even cooking).
Second semester room situation: You have strategically discovered the best time to do laundry. Your room is (hopefully) spotless so you can always have guests over. And hey, maybe you even make your bed! Coming home to a clean house feels like: