The first step for a lot of incoming college freshman is moving into their dorm rooms. We see it in movies and on TV and we think we are prepared for it but we never are, so Im here to extend some advice based on my freshman year dorm room experience. Your results may vary so take this with a grain of salt.
As soon as you find out who your roommate(s) is/are reach out to them. Don't let move-in day be the first time you see or speak to them, it will be so awkward. When you find out who they are, if their number is provided, text them, look them up on social media-- just try to get a feel for who they are. If you don't communicate before move-in no one will be on the same page on move-in day and its going to make that complicated day a little more complicated.
On a similar note, ask them what they are bringing to the room, what they are down to share with you, begin the process to creating a roommate dynamic. You don't want to show up on the first day and both of you brought a frying pan and a fold chair and you have no need for two and no way to store both. Opening up some dialogue early on will help you through the year communicating your problems with your roommate(s).
Be ready to compromise. Co-habitation is hard even for people who have 12 siblings at home, these people are your age, and strangers, and they are 100% allowed to hate you, so try your hardest to work with them. Some of them will be impossible so try to be the bigger person, but if you have to don't be afraid of going to your Resident Advisor because they are really there to help.
You have very little money usually, so spend it wisely. Learn to prioritize what you need like make sure you can eat and get too and from school weather it be by car or public transport and then supplies you need as the year goes on. After all that is when you should spend on clothes and going out to eat and frivolous expenses. Money management is so important and you need to get on learning how to do it. Budget yourself even if you have a surplus of money, its a good skill to have and college is the perfect time to perfect that skill.
Make your dorm homey, but not too homey. Bring pictures from home, your favorite pillow, some of your favorite things, but don't get crazy. Some people have a tendency to bring their entire room to their new dorm and its super unneeded and sometimes inconsiderate. Firstly you aren't going to wear all 37 pairs of shoes you brought so try to bring just the necessities, you have a small space so use it wisely. Secondly, you are living with 1-6 other people and you all are trying to make your space like home and the cozier you get the more cluttered the room becomes. Be smart about what you bring because you're only there for a year, and everything you bring and hang up all have to come down and be shipped back.
Get out of your dorm. Don't just sit in your room all day every day. You are in college and there has to be something fun to do around you. You don't have to party, or go clubbing, or anything crazy like that but you can go for a walk, find some cool spots close to your dorm, you would be surprised how much better it makes dorm life. At the very least go to someone else's room. Don't let yourself stay bored in your room; college is stressful, so when you have the time to spare use it wisely.
Make friends. There are hundreds of kids just like you just in your building, go and meet some of them. There is no feeling like being scared starting college and meeting someone who is feeling the same way. College is when you meet your life long best friends, husbands, wives, all of the above, but you have to branch out to find them guys. Everyone is in the same boat there so bond over that.
There are a million more things I could say but you need to pave your own way, and like I said this is just my experience so take this with a grain of salt. The most important tip I could give you is to make the best of these next 4 years because they have the potential to be the best or the worst years of your life so stay positive and be smart. Good Luck, have fun.