A Beginner's Guide To Bollywood Movies
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A Beginner's Guide To Bollywood Movies

With almost 300 movies released a year, you need a place to start.

A Beginner's Guide To Bollywood Movies

Bollywood is the Hindi-language film industry of India, and is hugely popular not only in the South Asian subcontinent, but across the world.

Infamous for their large scale song and dance numbers and three hour running times, Bollywood movies can be quite a mammoth to take on for an outsider. I myself didn't start watching Bollywood movies until I got to college, and even then I remained skeptical at first. But what I learned is that Bollywood isn't a monolith, and that the only thing the movies have in common is the fact that they're in Hindi; they still span a wide range of genres and themes, and there's bound to be something for everybody. Here's a list of good beginner Bollywood movies broken down by genre from someone who really could have used one when he started out.

1. Typical Bollywood

Your stereotypical Bollywood movie meant to make you laugh, cry, and swoon. Though that might seem like a lot to pull off, the Hindi film industry seems to have the formula down pat. If you're looking for something newer and with amazing music, then "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani" is where it's at. Or, trying falling in love with the characters in the road-trip-meets-love-story "Jab We Met". And, if you think your emotions can handle it, why not give "Kal Ho Naa Ho" a try? Just make sure you have a box of tissues handy.

2. Classic Bollywood

These are the movies that everyone knows. Their cultural significance is almost unrivaled by any other Hindi film, and their universality is not to be underestimated. I've actually witnessed my friends quote lines from these movies in their sleep, and I'm sure they could act out any of the three hour films word-for-word perfectly. What's more, these movies tend to star a certain Shahrukh Khan as their protagonist. Though long, "Khabi Khushi Khabie Gham" is a cult-hit movie about honor and family relations. On the other hand, "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" is a comedic stuck-in-the-friendzone movie that takes place over the course of more than a decade. And finally, "Dil Toh Pagal Hai" is a classic filled with lots of dancing, laughs, and cringy 90's outfits.

3. Historical

Who says period movies have to be boring? Though not based on a true story, "Lagaan" is a rousing underdog tale of a group of inexperienced villagers that must beat a team of seasoned British players in a game of cricket or suffer harsh consequences. With just the right amount of patriotism and phenomenal music by A. R. Rahman, this movie is very easy to enjoy. Furthermore, "Rang De Basanti", which stars the same Aamir Khan from "Lagaan", interweaves the stories of young 20th century Indian freedom fighters with those of modern day college students. It's poignant, dramatic, and sure to leave a lasting impact. Finally comes "Jodhaa Akbar", based on the true story of the love between Mughal Emperor Akbar and Princess Jodhabhai. Touching, romantic, and full of beautiful moments, this really is a great movie.

4. Thriller

Some of my favorite Bollywood movies are thrillers, and it's these movies that made me think of the industry as something more than just dancing in fields and cheesy romantic dialogues. The one I like best is "Kahaani", in which a heavily pregnant woman finds herself in the middle of the shady underworld of Kolkata while searching for her missing husband; it's still one of the best twist endings I've ever seen. Another great thriller is "Talaash", where a cop with a strained family life must get to the bottom of a high profile death. Finally is "Race", an action packed movie about brotherhood and betrayal.

5. Inspirational

We all love a good inspirational movie that will make you want to get off your feet and make the world a better place. Bollywood is no stranger to movies that will help restore your faith in humanity and leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling. "3 Idiots" is an amazing film for people who have never seen Indian movies before because its theme of being true to yourself is universally understood. It also doesn't hurt that there's plenty of comedy and wonderful acting by Aamir Khan. Next is another Aamir Khan movie, "Taare Zameen Par", in which a teacher helps one of his students overcome a learning disability. It will warm your heart and make you both smile and cry. Lastly is "Chake De! India" in which a divided women's field hockey team led by Shahrukh Khan must fight sexism and learn how to get along in order to prove their worth.

6. Drama

Hair magically being blown by indoor wind, 20 second scenes of wistful glances, and dramatic turns are all characteristic of this genre. Probably most prototypical of all is the classic "Devdas" starring Aishwarya Rai, Shahrukh Khan, and Madhuri Dixit. You could think of this movie as an Indian Romeo and Juliet, yet something about it makes it seem far more tragic. Another great example is the complicated family drama "Hum Saath Saath Hain", which has so many characters that there's even a 12 minute song within the movie to explain them all. Just maybe try to start it a little earlier than when I did at 2 a.m., otherwise you'll probably fall asleep. Lastly is the very recent "Bajirao Mastani", which has taken home almost too many awards to count. And why shouldn't it? A story of forbidden love and religious prejudice mixed with breathtakingly beautiful backdrops and striking music, this movie deserved all the awards that it received.

7. Contemporary

These movies all take place in the present and are hard to fit into other categories. They break away from the mold of other Bollywood movies by having few to no dance numbers, and focus on characters finding their inner strength. My favorite is "Queen" about an Indian girl who decides to go on her European honeymoon by herself after her fiance breaks up with her the day before her wedding. This movie is absolutely hilarious, and you really find yourself rooting for the main character. The next movie is "Fashion", starring Quantico's Priyanka Chopra, which recounts the life of a normal girl who rises up to become a supermodel, and the challenges she faces in a cutthroat industry. Lastly is "Barfi", the story of a charming deaf-mute man and his friendship with an autistic girl. You'll find yourself constantly smiling throughout the course of this movie.

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