It's important as human begins to realize that everyone of us are flawed and imperfect. Everyone has different personalities and thoughts and lives and families, and it's impossible to ever fully understand what someones life is like or what they're going through. You may never fully know what someone is thinking or feeling.
I'm 19. I'm still very young and I just got out of high school, so I understand what it's like when you and someone are having an argument or you aren't getting along and you're angry. I've been there before, fighting with a friend over something that never ended up mattering, and when I got angry my words got the best of me. Especially in high school, it's easy to think our words have no repercussions or consequences. Even now when I'm angry, it's so easy for me to just spew hateful things that randomly come out of my mouth.
It's hard to ever doubt ourselves or think we're wrong, we all want to win the argument and be right. But we aren't always right. It's so important that in moments like this, you try your hardest to hear what the other person is saying; it's probably not just out of the blue, they have a reason for what they're saying. If someone's attacking you personally just because they think they're right, it certainly gets on your nerves and it's hard not to do it back, but don't. The second you start attacking someone personally is the moment you've lost.The moment that you start spewing those hateful words is the moment you'll start to hate yourself. No one is perfect and it is okay to admit they might be right, they aren't perfect either!
If you're someone that can't have a debate or an argument with someone without insulting them or calling them names just because you're mad, don't even open your mouth. When you're arguing and you start calling someone a b**** because you think you're such a hard-ass or cool or something, you are the one that looks like the b****. It's not cool, it just makes you mean. No one thinks you're better because you can use the most irrelevant insults that aren't even true, you just look like you're dumb and you don't have a real point.
Insulting someone is the lowest thing you could probably do, especially if you're not close with this person and if you are close to them, it's even worse. I never understood how people can insult someone they barely know, especially by calling someone "pathetic" (I'm pretty sure doing that makes them pathetic?). It's important you focus on the problem instead of trying to attack someone personally or just make them feel bad for the purpose of being mean and spiteful. Why would you want another person to feel like that?
The next time you're angry or arguing, think about your words carefully before saying them because "They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." —Carl W. Buehner.