Lately, I have been supporting intelligent, beautiful, and ambitious women who are newly single. They are women who desire to have what every woman wants. They desire to have a man who fits just right into their life, and eventually to become beautiful brides with families. These women desire to travel, have nice cars, have good careers, and to have successful relationships that turn into marriage.
It is interesting to know what they have learned about themselves, what they learned about the person they are dating, and how this has affected them presently. If we take the time to know exactly what we are looking for, then we can have a better chance of choosing the right man. If we know what qualities we don’t tolerate in men, we have a better chance of weaning out the bad guys. That does not mean the next guy will be perfect. It just means if you know what you want ahead of time, you are aware of what to look for in the next man you are dating. Here are 6 dating tips to use when you go out on your next date:
1. Red flags. Notice if there are any red flags. Did he open up the door when you walked into the restaurant? Did he talk about himself during the entire conversation and not ask you any questions? Did he pay for your first meal? (Yes, I do believe in chivalry.) Does he have a hard time looking you in the eye while he speaks? If he did not make it through the red flags, it's maybe a good idea to let him go. If you are feeling any bad vibes from your first date, listen to your intuition; it's a gift.
2. Chemistry. Can you relate to him? If the conversation is open, relaxed, and you feel like you can be yourself, this is a good sign. You want to be able to date someone who you can feel comfortable around. Also, you want to make sure you date someone who has the same morals, values, and beliefs as you. This all plays a role in a long-term relationship. If you both don’t have chemistry, it will be quite difficult to build a romantic relationship.
3. Goals. What are his goals? Does he have goals that you are interested in? if you have been reading my articles, you know I believe “if you are not growing, you're dead." If you want to be successful, you want to find a man that matches your success. Some questions you can ask are: what are your long-term goals? What type of life do you want to live in the next 2-3 years? What are you going do to make those goals happen? Yes, dig deep to find what he has to say. If a man does not know the answer or if he is frustrated while answering, then he hasn’t even thought about it. Is that the type of man you want to be with?
4. Personality/Attitude. Is he positive, optimistic, or negative? This may take time to figure out how his personality and attitude really are. The saying is, "you know someone's true colors when they are in a challenging situation.” It may take a challenging situation for you to figure this out, but while you date, notice how he reacts to certain situations. Take notes.
5. Communication skills. How does he express himself? Is he easy to communicate with? Does he listen to you and value your point of view? Communication will be vital down the line if you two decide to take it to the next level. Make sure you are comfortable with how he communicates with you.
6. Have fun. Relationships are not always fun and games, but if you are able to have fun with him, it makes life more enjoyable. Life is short, and what is a relationship without having fun?
Overall, these are not dating rules; these are some of the guidelines I recommend when you begin to date.There are endless tips to recommend, but the most important recommendation is to follow your heart and intuition. They were given to you for you to make wise decisions. Don’t ignore them