This summer I was given the opportunity to intern at my dream job, a TV station. Everything about my internship seemed intriguing. I was so excited for this journey ahead. Seemed like I had been preparing for this moment forever, however, if I were to go back here are the 10 things I wish I knew before my internship.
1. Be Yourself but Be Professional
Stay true to who you are. Who knows, this may become your future employer.
2. It is all about who you know.....
This means make as many friends in the office as possible, speak and be nice to everyone. Just because someone may not have a great position does not mean they don't have a say in our position as an intern or as a future employee.
3. Dress Professionally
Image may not be everything, but if you show up in something too casual it makes you look bad. Be sure to get some good interview/business professional attire. You may not use it as much, but it will be useful, I promise.
4. Ask Questions
The main reason why you are doing this internship is so that you can learn and grow in a professional environment. Be sure to ask about anything and everything; this may be your only chance. Not trying to scare you, but it really could be.
5. You don't just represent yourself...
You represent your family and your university. So act like it. Show that employer how you were raised and how you grow and learn.
6. Continue to put in the effort.
I know the hours may be long, or you are just doing busy work but just remember this is going to look so good on your resume. You are going to be able to look back and remember those times and be thankful for the opportunity you were given.
7. Stay in Contact
The people that you meet will most likely forget about you unless you keep in contact with them, email them, call them or even mail them something. The littlest things can make the biggest impressions.
8. Make the Most of Every Moment
I'm serious! The time you will spend at your internship will go by FAST! It may seem long and the time may just tick by, but enjoy every experience.
9. Keep a Journal
You never know-- some of the things might spark your interest and that is what you want to remember. Also, keeping track of your hours and activities can be very helpful as well.
This internship may be serious but remember to find a little fun in it. Whether that be going to lunch with a coworker or participating in an event with them or snapping funny photos. Just another way to keep your positive attitude in the mix of a serious scary internship.