Recently, I saw a couple social media posts about "getting rid of the before" referring to a side-by-side comparison photo of someone who had lost weight. The theme implies that before photos devalue people who are currently in the condition displayed in that photo. I wanted to briefly explain why before photos are incredibly important (and HARMLESS) for the both the person in the photo and those who see it.
Losing weight is extremely difficult. It requires commitment, dedication, and mental strength. The same traits are necessary for getting healthier and gaining muscle. Before and after photos physically manifest the progress made through the taxing process of changing your body by means that are not purely surgical (i.e. plastic surgery). They are, in a sense, body report cards, where the "before" photo would be a failing report card and the "after" photo would be a passing report card.
Before photos were never intended to demean anyone. They visually state that the specific person in the picture was discontented by their state and desired to change it. After photos show that person's achievement of his or her goal. The most inspiring photos, to me at least, are the ones with people who start in an overweight condition and progress to healthier, happier conditions. They show that someone overcame their struggles and that everyone else can do it, too.
Every human has a unique beauty that no other has or will ever possess in the same exact way. Large, skinny, short, tall...each person is equally valuable. Before photos do not encourage prejudice, they encourage progress. People are only comparing themselves to their past selves.
Being overweight comes with other health problems that often evolve into dangerous or fatal conditions. Progress toward a healthy goal should be encouraged, and comparison photos are 98% of the time the best form of encouragement.
For all who are working toward losing weight and getting healthier, remember that the only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday. Good luck!