Bees are better than people.
Hear me out, because by the end of this article you are going to agree with every word I say, even if you hate bees. I’m not going to ask you to love bees or even like them, but open your mind to the possibility that bees are better than people.
1. Bees buzz.
That doesn’t seem to make much sense, but listen. People talk, bees buzz. Bees communicate nonverbally, so there’s no trying to figure out if a bee is being passive or if there are any hidden meanings in what they’re saying. If a bee doesn’t like you, you’ll know (because they sting you). If a bee likes you (or the food you’re eating or your perfume) they’ll buzz around you. Don’t be a bully and try to kill them, because then that sting is self-defense. Let them live.
2. You can judge bees' books by their cover.
Good bees and bad bees look different, unlike good and bad people. The sociopaths of the bee world, wasps, look very different from Hufflepuff bumblebees. You know which are chillers and which are haters and which will try to kill you with a rusty axe while you’re sleeping.
3. Bees have their sh*t together
Bees don’t have existential crises or struggle to pick a college major, because they know exactly who they are and what they need to do. Queens, drones and workers all have their destinies and lives planned out from birth. (And they don’t have to pay back student loans.)
4. They find pleasure in the simple things.
Honey and flowers are all a bee needs to function on a day to day basis. Worker bees will fly around and check out all the flowers they can find. Talk about stopping to smell the roses! And honey is delicious. Bees don’t need iPhones and Starbucks and "Game of Thrones" to keep themselves busy.
5. They contribute so much to the earth.
If all bees die, humans literally will not survive, and honeybees are endangered. We need bees to continue pollinating crops. Think of all the things we’d lose! Almonds, apples, apricots, AVOCADOS, blueberries, cantaloupes, cashews, COFFEE, cranberries, cucumbers, eggplants, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, okra, peaches, pears, peppers, STRAWBERRIES, tangerines, walnuts and watermelons. Can you imagine a world without coffee? I can’t. How much do you contribute to the planet, huh? Are you as important as the bees?
Honeybees are endangered creatures, gentle readers. The world as we know it is on the verge of collapse (however that may not all be due to honeybees). There are not many things you can control in this world, but you can 1) Vote, 2) Bathe every day and 3) Help save the bees. Support your local beekeepers, plant flowers that are good for bees and if you find a beehive you want to get rid of, instead of calling an exterminator, call a beekeeper to remove the hive.
Some “bee-sources” are and the Save the Bees page on